Sunday, August 13, 2006

Back in Brum again...

After a five week gap (and the last visit was just an early morning trip to the library on the way to Bristol!) I was back in Brum, firstly to a Wildlife Trust leaving do, the day after to catch up with friends Helen and David and go to an exhibition. It was REALLY nice to see everybody again! But a rather strange experience, as Birmingham feels so much like home, but it isn't home any more...

Took some photos in the reflections in a big shiny
metal thing parked in Victoria Square. They perhaps express the strange wobbly feeling I had yesterday!

The exhibition, 'Remembering the Somme' was very interesting. Robert Perry is a local artist, and I've found his paintings of the Black Country really inspiring. These were too, and in a similar way making art out of seemingly uninspiring landscapes. In his website - - under Style and Methods, you can see some of the paintings in the show. He also does concentration camps and motorcycles!

Have been struggling rather with this blog over the last week. Had a lovely trip to Norfolk last weekend, staying with friend Clare and her daughter Sophia. It was such a surprise that swimming in the North Sea could be so pleasant!

Didn't take the digital camera (new cameras and beaches don't mix) but thought I'd enliven the subsequent blog with some proper links, about some exhibitions I went to in Norwich. Could I get them to work? Nope. Not even with the help of MoseleyBlogger! So I've abandoned that blog.

But there's an extra one I put on hold for a bit, as it is about Ryton Gardens and I had to OK it with work, so it's back down the list a bit. And an addition to 'Painted Lady'. And I've stayed with a boring old functional URL in this post!


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