Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Painted lady

Just round the corner from me is a patch of waste ground with a clump of ragwort which is buzzing with life, including these:

The Painted Lady butterfly (Cynthia cardui) flies here from Europe and Africa. Possibly there are more this year because of the hot weather. Possibly I am noticing them more because I have a nice new butterfly book which was part of my leaving present from the Wildlife Trust.

This is also just down the road from me!

And this is growing in the Organic Allotment at work: runner bean 'Painted Lady'.


At 10:17 AM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fantastic butterfly pics love the pub too ya can't beat a bit o'coincidence. I like the way you can use lots of pics on your blog, mine allows only one not sure I can be bothered to change..
Is your camera "slr" digital or does it have a good macro mode?
chris g

At 7:21 PM GMT+1, Blogger It's The Gardening Lady said...

Hi! Thanks, I was 'pleasantly surprised' by the butterfly photos. It's partly because Painted Ladies tend to stay more or less in the same place on a flower, with their wings open. They are fairly easy to snap, unlike Peacocks, which flutter a lot and only open their wings when it gets cooler. So I'm observing butterfly behaviour by taking photos!

The camera isn't an slr, I jibbed a bit at the price of these, (typical!) but it does have a reasonably good macro. These pics are about as close as it gets, but with the zoom you can get close and be quite far away, if you get my drift. It's got manual settings as well, plus lots of other gubbins which I'm just getting my head round. It was an impulse internet buy which seems to have paid off!


At 1:29 AM GMT+1, Blogger Moseley Blogger said...

I tried making a comment to your post about Norwich, but it wouldn't let me! So I'm pasting this here. I should be able to delete it once you've copied & pasted the text:

East, the big contemporary art show, was as dull as the last time I went a couple of years ago. However, Drawing Links (and here) and 'OFF' were much better. I particularly liked Alex Pearl's little films. He does a blog with them on if you've got the right software to play them.


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