Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Is this the shortest, stupidest cycle track ever? Or am I missing something here? Do let me know!

Mind you, it cheered me up during a soggy cycle ride home the long way, the walk at Ryton Pools being rained off...very different weather from two weeks ago!


At 4:39 PM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The London cycling campaign had one which was less than the full rotation of racing bike wheel but yes yours is pretty good. I am always amazed that the guys painting the don't say hang on this is stupid let's not bother plus how much they cost per white cycle?

At 10:45 PM GMT+1, Blogger Moseley Blogger said...

Short, yes. But stupid? If it kept you out of the rain, then it must be a specially designated cycle parking bay! Probably built during a bout of cost-saving, when the bosses decided that a bit of old bus shelter would go amiss, and it would save them a load of architect's fees or some such.

Just you wait. Next they'll be building an extension to the Tate out of Portacabins.

At 11:52 AM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a similar pointlessly short cycle lane in spon end:


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