Spring is coming
The weather has been very mixed over the last few weeks. We've had the winter gales, the rain, the mist, but hardly a day of frost - though last Thursday was pretty hairy on the bike. But it's mainly been a winter memorable for it's mildness - so far. And it's the winter when climate change seemed to hit the mainstream press. It seems that not a week goes by without press coverage. Well, I suppose when I say 'mainstream' I do mean The Guardian, the Independant, and Radio 4. The tabloids had more important things to discuss, such as the bickering of celebrities.
At Ryton, the first signs of spring are emerging: snowdrops, hellebores, and crocuses. Let's hope that they do not regret emerging an estimated two weeks earlier than usual: I could still find myself eating my words about the mildness of the winter, it is not done yet.