Thursday, November 16, 2006

Temporary interruption to service

Sorry it's been a bit quiet here here for a while. It's partly due to how busy I am at work, partly because there's less to photograph in the gardens, and partly because my old computer has slowed down to snail-like speeds, especially with Blogger and Hotmail. As well as its switching-on problem, it's now decided that switching off is too much bother too. Yes, I know it's two months since I said I'd get a new one, but these things take time! So here's a nice picture of Coventry to (temporarily) leave you with:

This is Greyfriars Green, a Green Flag park, and the gateway to Coventry, if you arrive by train and walk into town. Rising above it are Coventry's famous three spires. From the left: Holy Trinity, 237 feet; Old St Michael's at 295 feet the third highest in the country, and finally Greyfriars, 230 feet.
Here's a less pretty but probably more interesting shot of the spires:

It's taken from the bridge over the railway line. You can see how St. Michael's spire towers over the others. The railway is one of the best places to see the spires. As the train pulls into Coventry the spires seem to change places as your viewpoint moves. I like this.

I hope that normal service will be resumed in a couple of weeks or so.


At 3:15 PM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very in"spire"ing

At 12:02 AM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so good to see the '3 Spires' once again. As Americans, we lived and worked in the heart of Coventry for many years and these views greeted us every morning and evening as we traveled into and out of the city centre. Thanks for a great Blog..we hope you enjoy Nottingham..although I should think you will miss the ole Cov!


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